Worn teeth, broken fillings and chipped teeth can all be signs of underlying dental problems. Here at Gillette Dental PC, we offer treatments to restore your worn and broken teeth and give you back a healthy, functional and attractive smile. Give us a call at 307-682-3353 to schedule your appointment with our dentist, Dr. Daniel Morrison, and learn more about treating worn and broken teeth in Gillette, Wyoming!

There are several things that may cause broken teeth and excessive tooth wear, including:

  • Injury or accidents
  • Bruxism (teeth grinding)
  • Underlying functional problems, such as TMJ disorders or malocclusion

When you visit our office with broken or worn teeth, the first step our dentist will take is performing a comprehensive evaluation. This exam will help identify the underlying cause of the problem and ensure long-lasting results from your treatment. Your treatment will depend on your individual needs as well as the extent of the damage to your teeth.

Treatments for worn and broken teeth include:

  • Orthodontics — Crooked and misaligned teeth can sometimes be the cause for broken teeth and premature or excessive tooth wear. By aligning your teeth properly, we can prevent these problems and help keep your smile healthy.
  • Restorative Dentistry — There are a variety of restorative treatments that can improve the health and appearance of your teeth. Based on your individual needs, our dentist may recommend dental crowns, porcelain veneers or fillings to restore your teeth. Broken fillings and crowns can also be restored if they are damaged.
  • Dental Bonding — Cosmetic tooth bonding is an excellent option for restoring minor tooth damage, such as small chips and cracks. This simple procedure can be completed in a single appointment to fully restore the health and appearance of your tooth.

For more information about treating worn and broken teeth and to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Morrison, contact our office today and speak with a member of our team.